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BioForecasting and Early Warning Platform help with:
Risk Assessment,
Risk Mitigation,
Risk Management, and
Risk Communication
Like commercial meteorology, commercial bio-forecasting and Alert System by AilluminateX can satisfy unmet demand for disease outbreaks and forecasts and warnings with informed and insightful decisions tailored to consumer and corporate interests.
The Ailysium Confidence Seal!
Our powerful AiX-Artificial Intelligence Platform - The Ailysium - identifies:
Risk Levels for Individuals at any time and place
Individual Screening Risk Factors assist in making insightful and informed decisions.
Risk Levels for Places, Areas, and Businesses at any time
Help mitigate and control of outbreaks of infectious diseases, and other outbreaks risk factors such as the COVID19.
These Risk Scores are called AiX-Crown Risk Scores and they are the basis for "The Ailysium Confidence Seal!"
Crown Risk Score!
The Ailysium Confidence Seal!
AiX Platform
The Ailysium
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